Hot Air Balloon

 France is after all the birthplace of hot air balloons. In the late 18th century, the Montgolfier brothers would create the first hot air balloons. The first riders of an untethered hot air balloon were Marquis d'Arlandes and Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier in 1783.

In France hot air balloons are known as Montgolfières as they were named after their inventors, the Montgolfier brothers. The Montgolfier brothers made their first public test on 4 June 1783 in front of a group of dignitaries from Annonay, the town where they grew up in the south of France.

Where can I see hot air balloons in France?
France Montgolfieres.
Valley of the Kings.
Fontainebleau Forest (Foret de Fontainebleau)
Forcalquier France Montgolfiere.

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